Myself, my wife, and my son share our home with two wonderful dogs. Our 7 year old lab, Maui, we have had since he was 6 weeks. Our 3 year old bloodhound, Jessie, we adopted when she was a year old. My hairy babies were the inspiration for this book.
I wrote this book, and started this blog, because I am a pet lover. I have become overly frustrated with all the pets that are abandoned due to their owners not relizing the resposibilities that come with pet ownership before they aquired the animal.
I am hoping that my book, "So You Want To Buy a Dog" will prequaify folks who are considering buying or adopting a dog.
Every pet deserves the same love and admiration that they give us for their entire lives.
I am going to donate a large portion of the royalties from this book to animal rescue organizations and animal shelters.